Sunday, October 26, 2014

How To Get Sourcing Material?


As a student i am sure that you really need  many sourcing material to get information for completing your research or assignment. Commonly students use website on internet because it easy to get by searching internet. But most of students fail to get a good sourcing material from the article.
first thing that you have to consider when find sourcing materials is what the information come from. Here i want to give an example of not good sourcing material which by using Wikipedia. We do not allow to take information especially from website which can be changed and edited by anyone at anytime such as Wikipedia. This means that the information is not fixed and temporarily. The information maybe is not accurate. However, we still can use this website because it simple and easy to understand. Below is the sample of Wikipedia page :

Sourcing material is very general and we can get the information from many types of material such as journal, newspaper, magazine, article and books. Books is one of the good and best source material and easy to get from library. The type of books also divided into their field respectively for example in field of science, accountancy, engineering, art and design, medicine, business management, mathematics, philosophy and others.

Students also can refer or get the sourcing material easily by searching in their higher institution library for example Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). The website provide many types of journal from many field of education.

Based on the information stated above, i am sure that student get an idea how to get the best sourcing material for finishing their assessment. Good luck!

Sunday, September 21, 2014


Life as a student is not run away from doing an assignment for examples make a research for complete their assessment, project paper and journal. Some of students involved in plagiarism as a easy way to finished their work in a short period. A lot of issues appear when students actively just copy and paste the article in the websites and put in their assignment. Nowadays, plagiarism is common in student's work especially in high instituition. 

When talking about plagiarism, what is bearing in your mind?
I'm sure that every person has different view related to this issues. In my opinion, plagarism is the transfering or copying the other people ideas illegally and without permission. Here is the actual definition regarding to the some pages that i found.

"....According to Meriam Webster plagiarism define as use the another's production without editing or paraphrasing the article."

In my point of view, plagiarism is wrong and bad attitude because when the students doing plagiarism they will make themselves lazy to think and create the new ideas. Futhermore, this attitude can make the intelligence and student's IQ getting down cause they are not force their mind to think. This habit effect to the future in their career respectively either in science, accountancy, designing or bussiness.

Saturday, September 20, 2014


Hi! So the beginning of my academic blog is here.
Let me introduce myself first.

Name : Athirah binti Husny@Badrul Hisham
Faculty : Education
Course : Bachelor of Science Education (Hons.) Biology
Group ED2473B
Part : 3